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Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIPlus 1.52 Map Revision 2

By kibot13
This is a port of RGB's AI+ 1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).

It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for balance changes, new item recipes, and most new features. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.

Warning: There is no AI for Lifestealer, Invoker, Clockwerk Goblin, Admiral Proudmoore nor Windrunner. They will get items but will neither use nor learn their skills.

* AI don't properly react to -nb, -nm and -nt modes.
* Some exploits that should have been fixed are still in the game, just don't use them. If you really want to cheat against AI, just use -test.
Commands that have yet to be implemented properly:

* -ah
* -afk
* -kickafk
* -rd (the new one in 6.53, -rd is in the game but done the same way pre-6.53)
* -cm



Additionally, I have added two Fun Taverns in the lower right corner.

Currently includes fifteen legacy heroes (possibly more in the future):

* Old Invoker (6.12b)
* Old Lifestealer (6.48b)
* Old Silencer (6.12b)
* Gambler (6.06)
* Old Morphling (5.84b)
* Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b)
* Old Pudge (5.51)
* Old Chen (5.64)
* Old Medusa (5.84b)
* Void Demon (3.0d)
* Rider (5.72)
* God of Wind (6.01)
* Flame Lord (5.51)
* Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b)
* Astral Trekker (3.0d)

To access the fun taverns, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game. Note that Fun Tavern heroes do not have AI scripts and will not buy items or use/learn skills.

6.57b Port of AI+ and -fun content by BuffMePlz.



* Tenshinhan DN
* Overflow_GR
* Duvon
* Strikur--
* Counter_Helix_axe
* Catalyst
* chaser02
* Green_Sliche
* cp6uja

Dota-Allstars 6.57b AIPlus 1.52 Map Changelogs

Dota 6.57b AIplus Revision 2:
* Fixed scoreboard bugs with No Mode
* Fixed a bug with picking after the initial pick (-repick, -dm)
* Fixed some map display strings
* Rewrote Star Storm (Old Silencer) to improve ability behaviour
* Star Storm and Rain of Chaos (Old Silencer) are no longer channelling
* Silencer (Old Silencer) is no longer an orb effect
* Improved Old Morphling and Old Silencer move speed to be the same as their modern counterparts
* Changed visual effect on Tornado Barrier (God of Wind)
* Changed God of Wind's unit icon
* Slightly improved Displace (God of Wind)
* Added Bat Rider (6.00) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
* Updated Old Morphling's spell database to allow stealing abilities from Kunkka, Windrunner and Bat Rider
* Added new -fun command: -tryhero

Dota 6.57b AIplus Revision 1:
-First update to 6.57b
-Fixed a bug with long gametype commands
-Fixed display text for -csXX
-Fixed a bug with Roshan's armour aura after 50 minutes
-Fixed a bug with selling Aghanim's Scepter
-Fixed a bug with -pe on the Scourge side
-Rewrote Focus Fire to prevent crashes with AI
-Rewrote the way AI purchases and sells Bottles to address a problem with dropping items
-AI Crystal Maiden now learns Brilliance Aura after Frost Nova and Frostbite (instead of at levels 22-25)
-AI Keeper of the Light now properly learns attribute bonuses
-Run Down (Rider) now gives vision of the targeted unit
-Improved the targeting and behaviour of Betrayal (Old Invoker)
-Fixed seeing a dummy ability when swapping with AI Sand King

*Unofficial fixes
-Fixed some typos (Eye of Skadi Ranged, Windrunner, Captain CoCo's Rum, Recall, Courier Shield, Burst)

Download (click here)


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